Friday, July 30, 2010

This Friday night has me sitting in my living room. It is 11:05pm and the TV is showing me reruns of "That 70's Show". My guitar has been played, the dryer is running and my journal has been written in. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what I call a thrilling Friday night...
But in all seriousness, this is e.x.a.c.t.l.y. what I was envisioning when all my wonderful friends were discussing their weekend plans :) I'm loving the quiet. 

So tonight I learned a very important lesson. My friend, Katie, and I like to have random late night cookie baking events at my house. Usually these events aren't planned... or even discussed until our phones ring with a text that say something like: Bad day. Wanna bake?- and it's over. Bring on the sweet tea and cheap chocolate chip cookies that only require you to break it into pieces and throw them in the oven. Pretty soon it's 2 am and our days don't seem so bad... :) 

So my important lesson? We should really start planning these things... I left my house to grab cookies at 10pm... and it took f.o.r.e.v.e.r. to find an open grocery store. (Thank you, Wal-Mart...) How hard does it gotta be for a girl to find cookies? It was a close call... So I decided to stock up a bit. Left a note on fridge: Dear Roomy- Please excuse the large amount of Tollhouse Cookie Dough rolls in the fridge. It's been a minute. Knew you'd understand. - Cal. 

These last few weeks have been pretty crazy... staying busy with writing, traveling to Iowa, and with people that I love :) Every day God reminds me just how lucky a girl I am to have these people in my life...

Katie is here. The oven is pre-heating. And my laundry is in need of folding. Oh Happy :) 

This is where I promise to get better at writing more regularly. 
Peace. :)