Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Am Not Forgotten.

"I am not forgotten. I am not forgotten. I am not forgotten. God knows my name" is a little diddy sung by my favorite group of kiddos here at the church in Jacmel, Haiti. It's been repeating in my heart all day. While I'm getting ready, while I'm clearing rubble, while we are cooking lunch and passing out plates for the feeding program... even after I've closed my eyes at night. 

Tomorrow is our last full day in Haiti. I miss warm showers, I miss my car... I miss my family, but I can tell you this: I will miss them too. Today we heard stories from some of the families that were with us. They told us where they were when the earthquake hit. My friend Wendell lost so many friends. Wendell is 14 and speaks English pretty well. She's taught me so much Creole this week. We've laughed sooo much and we have so much in common. I like music. She likes music. We both like to play games with the kids. I am fascinated by her hair and she is fascinated with mine. She is from Port Au Prince. I will miss her. 

There are so many kids here, but there are 5 or 6 that I know by name. When it is silent I can hear their voices. "I am not forgotten. I am not forgotten. I am not forgotten. God knows my name." Marie. Harley. Steve. Gaelle. Mena. Jimson. Michaellin. Wendell...

Jimson is one of my favorites. He's 5 and doesn't know much English. He usually only communicates with me by animal sounds. He is quite fluent in dog. His laugh is contagious and he is fascinated by my nose ring. Silly, kid. 

I met my sponsor child, Gaelle. Ruebens, (our translator) grabbed her for me and introduced us. She was so shy and quiet until he told her who I was. She immediately ran to me and threw her arms around her neck. She is quite a quiet little gal, but that girl can love on people. She likes to sit on my lap and wrap my arms around her. I gave her bubbles and a sucker. I'm telling you, those kids love bubbles. When I was little, I never went through a whole bottle of bubbles. They go through them in less than an hour.  I love it. 

My friend Wendell and I are going to the roof until church :)

Au revoir! :) 

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